That's my opinion.
There are hundreds of business opportunities out there that market tangible goods (products that need to be shipped from one place to another) and most start up entreprenuers are told to market these products for a profit. This will not only demotivate you, but it will take a lot of time, energy and money to start marketing those products. Most so called affordable business opportunities cost a lot to start and operate one.
First, you need to partner with the right company that has the products you need to market. You will have to spend time to evaluate that company. You will also have to invest a considerable amount of capital to buy inventory.
You will also need to store your supplies and inventory. While some business owners are able to turn their basement into a warehouse, the vast majority rent a warehouse to store supplies and the inventory for their business.
Even after a product is ordered and you get paid for it, your work is not done. Once an order is placed you need to fill the order and ship products to customers. While some business owners charge the customer for shipping, many others opt to pay for shipping themselves, that is cutting into their profit margins even more. With where the economy is heading today, do you really have money to waste on inventory?
As you can see, it takes a lot of time and money to set up and run a local business from home. You can avoid many of the problems above with an online network marketing business, instead of starting a local business with high inventory. An online network marketing business, usually is YOU the marketer, marketing your online website, that is available 24/7 online and can be visited by your ideal clients who gets to see you and optin to your mailing list to learn more about your network marketing business. There are quite a few reasons why an online network marketing business is by far the best business to start: the first and foremost reason is that it is affordable, it saves you time, energy, money and you get to work from the comfort of your home (around your family).
- With network marketing online, you do not need to supply products. The company takes care of shipping, handling, accounting, product development etc. The products available for your clients to order online, and you are focused on growing your online business from home with ease, and attract the right clients to yourself. You do not need to supply the products and you do not need to invest any money in inventory. It is best to invest in marketing your online network marketing business website to get more clients into your customer base weekly.
- Since you do not need to supply products, you do not need to store them either and pay storage fees. You do not have any inventory ? all you need is a simple website, a business telephone line and a written salescopy.
So you do not need to start a costly home business, store inventory or ship orders when you can easily and affordably start a network marketing business online that can generate more cash flow for you without all the headaches of a traditional business. Starting an affordable home based business in network marketing is the best way to go. Even if you already have a local business, you can always add an additional second income stream to your current business with an online network marketing opportunity. For example, if you are passionate about helping people make more money, consider giving away something for free to your clients. It could be a free sample of your product, a free report or a free video so they could see the potential it carries before they buy from you.
If you have thought of starting an online home based business in the past but didn't have the large amount of money required, now is your chance to start an affordable home based business ?and you won't be tied to a store, hire employees, or even do paperwork. The big time players in this industry have come up with creative ways online to create fast revenues for their marketing partners by offering free tele-seminars and webinars. There couldn't be a better time to start an online network marketing business and ride the new technological wave than right now!.
The income possibilities with network marketing are endless ? No inventory means higher profits for you!
Josephine is a network marketing professional who's aim is to help individuals take back control of their lives, start making money online and break the 9 to 5 cycle. Her current business endeavours include, helping startups and training a marketing team as well as partnering with an International company, who capitalizes on Current Marketing trends.?She is also a guest blogger on several niche related sites, and has set a goal to help 10 brand new people get out of debt and take control of their lives.
Grab Josephine's online network marketing Ebook "Money making is fun with leverage" today and learn exactly how you can create cash flow in 48hrs!. Only if you want to know the secrets to online network marketing business success.?
She's currently running her own business from home and supports other entrepreneurs in how to succeed with their home based business with the right strategies, insider secrets, out of the box thinking and much more.
Josephine's Free Tele-class is laser sharp for people looking to start a network marketing home business that produces result!
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