Tuesday, June 5, 2012

[asr-forum] Proposition de sujet de th?se sur les r?seaux ...

*Proposition de sujet de th?se*
Pour candidater voir le site de l'Ecole Doctorale STITS :

Titre : Quelques probl?mes de r?seaux v?hiculaires: clustering et
multihoming, diss?mination de donn?es

Some problems in inter-vehicles communications: dissemination protocol
for VANET; clustering and multihoming in V2V2I topology.

Reserach team : "Telecommunication and Networking Department"

Laboratoire des Signaux et Syst?mes (L2S)

The "Laboratoire des Signaux et Syst?mes" (Laboratory of Signals and
Systems, denoted as L2S) is marked as UMR and its parent institutions
are CNRS, SUPELEC and University Paris Sud 11, and which is located in
Gif -sur-Yvette.

PhD supervisor (contact person):

Name: V?ronique V?que

Position: Full Professor

email: veque [at] lss.supelec.fr
Phone number: +33 1 69 85 17 22

Context and key aspects of the proposed PhD

In recent years, Inter-Vehicle Communication (IVC) has become an intense
research area, as part of Intelligent Transportation Systems. It assumes
that all, or, a subset of the vehicles is equipped with radio devices,
enabling communication between them. This communication facility allows
drivers to enhance more safety on roads by exchanging weather alerts,
emergency alerts and traffic information. Another class of applications
is to target the passengers access to Internet with all classical
services: mail, web and chat. These communications are usually
classified in two classes: Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) or
Vehicle-to-Infrastrcuture communications (V2I). V2V communications
usually use ad hoc modes. This allows a vehicle to communicate directly
with another vehicle without the use of any dedicated infrastructure
(Base Station, Access Point, etc.). Although classical 802.11 can be
used for IVC, specific technologies such as IEEE 802.11p (also referred
to as Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments, WAVE) show a great deal
of promise. This standard includes data exchanges between vehicles and
between infrastructure and vehicles with a greater radio range than
classical 802.11. Also, by using ad hoc mode of these radio technologies
(all the 802.11 technologies have an ad hoc mode), we gain the advantage
that the scope of communications is not just limited to the radio range.
Hence, vehicles can act as routers, i.e. they implement forwarding and
routing algorithms, and form a Multi-Hop wireless Ad-hoc NETwork
(MANET), also called Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET). V2V
communications are mainly intended for safety applications which consist
either in periodic information broadcasting or in alert message
V2I communications uses existing cellular networks like UMTS or 4G/LTE
or need deployment of a telecommunication network infrastructure, like
WiMAX where some access points are distributed along the road, each one
connected to other through a wired network allowing the vehicles to
connect to the access point. V2I communications allows interesting
user-oriented applications like "Internet on the road" or geographic
information advertisements.
The main drawbacks of a complete road coverage are prohibitive costs and
inefficient use in case of
light traffic. Then, a new class of communications has been proposed by
telecommunication operators: V2V2I where vehicles communicate with other
vehicles to reach the access point using multihop communications.

This work will consist in two parts.
The*first part* will focus on the dissemination of warning and control
information. This allows a vehicle to obtain and disseminate information
about accidents, traffic jam, and road surface conditions coming from
other vehicles. Such applications rely on broadcast algorithms. These
algorithms are given the task of disseminating warning messages quickly
and efficiently through the network. Thus, the performances of these
algorithms are crucial.
The *second part* will focus on V2V2I communications where keys
questions are still open. For example, one possibility to provide the
communications is to use a VANET with a routing protocol or to build a
cluster of cars with only a leader connected to the infrastructure. As
the communication device is equipped with multiple network interfaces
that could be connected to different network providers and obtain
multiple IP addresses, this multihoming feature can also provide an
efficient way for mobility management. But due to intermittent
connectivity, several problems has to be solved.

Brief description of scientific and technical steps ---

This thesis aims to study and propose innovative protocols for the
communications in Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET). The PhD involves
the steps sketched below:

* Bibliography of existing dissemination protocols
* Study of alternative communication schemes for vehicular communication
* The study of existing protocols and extension of clustering
algorithms/other approaches
* Study on multihoming protocols
* The proposal of modular protocols to fulfil the different
applications' requirements
* Performance evaluation of these algorithms
* Model and Simulations
* Implementation.

Brief bibliography


1. Anthony Busson. Analysis and Simulation of a Message
Dissemination algorithm for VANET. International Journal of
Communication Systems. Volume 24, Issue 9, pages 1212-1230 (18
pages), Wiley, 2011.
3. Anthony Busson. Performance Evaluation of Broadcast Protocols in
VANET: a Point Process Approach. 6th ACM International Symposium on
Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous
Networks. October 26-30, 2009. Tenerife, Canary
Islands, Spain.
4. Muriel Mabiala, Anthony Busson and V?ronique V?que. On the
capacity of Vehicular ad hoc Networks. Ubiroads workshop of the IEEE
Global Information Infrastructure Symposium. Marrakech, 2007.
5. Kaisser F, Johnen C. , V?que V., "Quantitative Model for Evaluate
Routing Protocols in a Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks on Highway", IEEE
Vehicular Network Conf. VNC'2010. Dec. 2010, USA.
6. Kaisser F., V?que V., "On the Scalability Problem of Highway Ad
hoc Network", Proceedings of WCNC'09 (Wireless Communications &
Networking Conf.), Budapest (H), Avril 2009.


Pre-requisites ---

The applicant, beyond the Master degree (acquired in telecommunication
engineering or computer science, for example), should have good skills
in networks protocols, like TCP/IP and Internet, simulation, probability
and optimization methods and C/C++ programming.
The candidate has to send a list of his/her marks obtained in Master, a
motivation letter and a Curriculum Vitae.*

Skills fostered/gained during PhD --- The PhD is at the crossroad of two
scientific areas: intelligent transportation systems and networking.

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