Teaching your children to dress themselves can be? very frustrating but it doesn?t have to be. There are a few basic tips that you keep in mind in order to make this an easily learned task.? First is to allow for extra time in the mornings. Most children are at the preschool age when they begin to learn to dress themselves and being rushed can cause them stress. Give them the extra time needed to accomplish the task.
Having them select their outfit the night before can help some with the morning routine. The idea is to have them make a decision and not allow them to change their minds in the morning more than one time, if at all. If you have girls they will change their minds a million times when they get older.
Nest purchasing clothing that is easy for them. Preschoolers may not yet be able to handle buttons, snaps, and overalls. So save those for special occasions or until your child masters them. Stick with elastic waistbands and consider a size larger because the large the item the easier it for kids.
Finally allow them the freedom to express themselves. So what if they pair flowers with stripes! If they are comfortable wearing it then they are learning something far more important than just dressing themselves?self-confidence.
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Source: http://blogs.ideasforwomen.com/blogs/family/2012/08/teaching-kids-to-dress-themselves/
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